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Amazing Health Benefits of Alkaline Water


For most of us, how to reach our very best level of health is a bit of a mystery. We can manage to eat right, exercise regularly, even take expensive supplements, and still lack that sense of vitality that should come with good health.

Some of us struggle with enormous health challenges such as allergies, asthma, arthritis, weight issues, back pain, digestion disorders, constipation, diabetes, hypertension and on and on, so many more. Health problems that can certainly slow us down and often make us feel frustrated or discouraged. Even people who consider themselves relatively healthy often have a sense that their health should really be so much better, right?

There is something so simple and yet so effective that you will be amazed that it can create profound changes in your health. It’s called ionized, alkaline water, the Japanese call it kangen water. Ionized alkaline water starts out as ordinary tap water, but it is transformed through water ionization to something only found in nature – it becomes water that is super hydrating, it becomes water that is loaded with anti-aging antioxidants, and it becomes water that detoxifies, flushing toxins and acidic wastes out of our cells like true nature’s water was intended to do.

But you don’t have to take my word for it; health experts across the country are making the case for drinking alkaline water. Let’s read a few of these here:

Experts on Alkaline Water Benefits


Dr. Sherry Rodgers, author of “Detox or Die” says,

“Alkaline water rids the body of acid waste. After carefully evaluating the results of my advice to hundreds of individuals, I am convinced that toxicity in the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of degenerative disease.”

Most of us have heard of — if not been on — the Atkins Diet. Here’s what the noted diet author and health expert Dr. Robert Atkins, writes,

“The cells and fluids in most peoples bodies are overly acidic. This can cause a lot of health problems. It prevents your body from neutralizing and disposing of harmful poisonous toxins and leaves you more susceptible to the cell damaging free radical oxidation that leads to cancer and other diseases.”

Then there’s Dr. William Kelly, College of Metabolic Medicine and author of “Cancer Cure.” He says, and I quote,

“Alkaline water produced by a water ionizer has become the most important advancement in healthcare since Sir Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin.”

And this one by Dr. Leonard Horowitz the author of “Aids and Ebola,” is really interesting. He did a tremendous amount of research. Here are his findings,

“International studies show that populations with little or no history of illness; such as cancer, drink higher pH alkaline waters. After all potential risk factors were considered and factored out; it became evident that they had been drinking waters with a pH of 9.0 to 10.0.”

Isn’t that is amazing? We could go on and on. The consensus is pretty much the same, ionized alkaline water is probably the best water we can drink on the planet. Take a look at the video and learn a bit more about the history of ionized alkaline water and all its properties and amazing health benefits.


Top 4 Benefits of Alkaline Water

The cutting-edge alkaline water ionization technology brings water back to its original state, it provides these significant benefits…

Benefit #1: Alkaline Water is antioxidant water that strengthens the Body’s Immune System


When drinking alkaline water, you are drinking a glass of anti-oxidants. This Ionized/Alkalized/ (fine-filtered) water delivers a massive amount of negatively charged electrons, to cling to & neutralize the free-radicals causing daily damage & premature aging within our bodies.

(FACT: Free radicals are the result of: poor diet, stress, pollution, chemicals, medications, and more.)

Benefit #2: Alkaline Water is High pH Water


In our modern world, many of us are too acidic physically. Acidosis is the cause of many major and minor diseases, aches and pains. There is therefore an urgent need to alkalize. Furthermore cancer, chronic fatigue, and many other illnesses thrive within an acidic body. Ionized water restores alkalinity and flushes acidic toxins out from the body, leaving your blood clean and able to transport critical nutrients to the cells. Most water like tap water and bottled water have an alkalinity of 6.4 to 7, which is not enough to raise your body alkalinity.

Disease cannot flourish in an alkaline environment. Most city tap water and some bottled drinking water are acidic. Many of the foods we eat are also acidic. Our body has the ability to alkalize itself, however the rate of acidic intake and stress is too much for the body to counter and reverse. Our blood being 79% water can gradually become acidic, filled with yeasts, molds, bacteria, and wastes and/or heavy metals. Alkaline water can assist your body to alkalize itself again. Water from the Alkaviva ionizer filter is 100’s of times more alkaline than even the freshest spring water. (1000’s of times more so than tap or bottled water.)

Gaining fat is a result of an acidic body, it stores the excess waste in the form of fat. As the body alkalizes, excess body weight may naturally melt away as acids are gradually and naturally removed from the body.

Benefit #3: Alkaline Water Energizes Your Body


Water is a nutrient, this is a known fact. Alkaline water is a super nutrient. As proven by Nobel prize winner Otto Heinrich Warburg, cells in the body deficient of oxygen run the risk of turning cancerous, because they the body is acidic. As stated above, ionized alkaline water helps deliver nutrients to your body cells more efficiently than tap or bottled water, giving you more energy throughout your day.

Benefit #4: Alkaline Water Hydrates the Body Better


This structured water molecule is smaller in size making water up to 6x more absorb-able. Alkaline water easily penetrates your body at cellular level, bringing a continual flood of better hydration and renewal. Cells begin to function as they should for optimum health and peak performance.

Alkalinity or being pH balanced is the perfect environment for health and wellness. God created our bodies to be just that, alkaline. It is no accident He originally made water to be alkaline as well as vegetables and herbs because it is good for us.



There's more at: Alkaline Water Amazing Health Benefits - Kangen Water 

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